Wes Harrison

Team Mentor( 2012-2018 )

Wes graduated from Oregon State University in 1963 with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He worked for several companies during his 41 year career in the field of electronics. In his spare time, Wes has enjoyed traveling, climbing Mt. Whitney 3 times, hiking the Kalalau trail in Kauai, Hawaii, wood turning, and managing a tree farm in northwest Oregon. Wes discovered the Funky Monkeys in 2012 and has helped the team where ever he can since then.He would make sure every question that was asked was answered, no matter how silly they may seem, and even answered questions that were yet to asked by us. He was extremely devoted towards teaching all of us, and genuinely wanted us to learn things the right way, the first time through. “Measure twice, cut once”, he would say.  Wes passed away in 2018 and will be remembered by the team for his enthusiasm and passion for teaching.

  • Why did you join Robotics?
    I was working with a Lynbrook student on another volunteer project. He invited me to visit the Robotics Club and perhaps join the club. When I saw what the Club was all about, I volunteered to help.
  • What are some of the things you do in Robotics?
    I have a dregree in Electrical Engineering and worked in the industry for 41 years. I am now “officially” retired. I try to help the students wherever I can. Sometimes it is with lab organization, fabricating parts, testing, or making sure the equipment is operated safely.
  • Why do you participate in Robotics?
    I enjoy helping the students learn the myriad of skills that are acquired in Robotics lab. For most students in today’s world, Robotics will be the only place where they can learn these skills. It’s a unique opportunity for them to be able to participate in the design and building of a highly functional robot.